Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare

Armored Warfare is a game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by The game is centered around tanks and armoured fight fighting vehicles of the modern era post 1960’s to modern day. So you have vehicle like the T-54, BMP1 up to the likes of the Challenger 2 and T-90MS.Armored Warfare

The thing that stands Armored Warfare out from other games in this genre is that it allows you to play PVE as well as PVP. And this allows players to still earn reputation to get better vehicles without having to play a PVP match. And to be honest that is what I have done, 95% of my reputation  has come from PVE matches. Yes it is slower going but you can still earn the rewards of getting better tanks.

Overview of Armored Warfare

As you can see with the Video above you are given a set of objectives to do during your mission, a primary and secondary. There are many types of mission including:

  • Destroy a valuable target
  • Defend a certain area
  • capture a certain area.

The Primary mission must be completed or the mission fails and the secondary does not have to be completed but if it is then it will give additional rewards.

During the mission you will be face by AI-controlled enemies. Their number and quality are dependant on the level of the mission. The AI have prefixes to their vehicle type and will tell you the level of enemy you face, these are one of the five level:

  • (Salvaged) The least effective vehicle.
  • (Fragile) Weaker than the Standard vehicle.
  •  (No Suffix) Standard vehicle
  • (Upgraded) Somewhat me ore powerful than the Standard
  • (Superior) The most dangerous variant of that vehicle

You will also come across enemies that are coloured yellow in the name, these are the “boss” vehicle and these are a very dangerous enemy to face head on but defeating a boss does yield a significant reward. The higher the mission difficulty the higher the chance of a boss appearing.

Armored Warfare Loot systemThey are constantly adding new content and features to the game. In the latest patch as of July 2016 they have added a loot system, were you can earn “loot” from crates these are based on how good the players does in the battle, PvP or PvE. The better your reputation in the battle the higher the chance and quality level of the crate is, whether you are on the winning side or not.

Overall I believe this is a very good game whether you are a PvP or PvE player. It is a game I regularly stream on Fridays. This game is growing from strength to strength with each update. I can see the player base growing overtime as more players find out about the PVE side of the game.


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