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The Division is now serving first offence hacking with Permabans

Today the news has come that the 14 day suspensions for cheating in The Division were not scaring people away from cheating within the game. They have recently posted that in a recent “intensive campaign” against cheaters action was taken against over 30,000 accounts including 3,800 permabans but they have said that this lead them to realize that more needed to be done. They have stated that the 14 day account suspension for first time offences was not effective enough. They will now start applying permaban to anyone using a cheat engine whether it is the first offence or not.

The Division“We are committed to constantly improve your experience in the game, and this begins with ensuring a positive and fair environment free of noxious players willingly violating the rules,” Ubisoft wrote. “We will take all steps necessary to track down cheaters and make sure they cannot spoil your enjoyment of the game.”

This story seems to have a lot of interest in it. We will have to see how this effects the game, is it to little to late for The Division.

Other new outlets covering this topic:

PC Gamer

BBC Tech News

Watch Dogs 2 announced

So Watch Dogs 2 announced just ahead of E3 with new city, new hero and new enemies. They say they have listened to what people have said about Watch Dogs and have brought that all together in Watch Dogs 2. Everything is hackable phones, computers, phones, you know the score.

Watch Dogs 2 is set in San Francisco with a new hero Marcus, a young man fighting the system after he has been accused of a crime he didn’t commit. He joins DeadSec to expose what is going on in the city after hefalls foul of the cTOS invasive crime prediction algorithm  and yes cTOS is still here running the city and not always for the benefit of the citizens.

So here have a look at the announcement trailer.

Just to warn you it is 18 minutes long.